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Rhyme & Rhythm Workshops

Rhyme & Rhythm workshops provides educational workshops for schools, youth organisations and businesses, specialising in poetry, rap and beatbox workshops and team-building experiences. We also provide online sessions and work with a number of trained creatives with a wide variety of workshops

Marv Radio’s hip hop workshops involve teaching beatbox, rap and songwriting basics as well as focusing on improvisational skills and group musicality, all leading to a group sharing. They are experiential, transformative and fun and allow participants to gain skills in self-expression, listening, confidence and working in groups.

Rap is a modern form of poetry originating from New York, the birthplace of hip-hop and with strong roots in the African griot (travelling story-teller and musician) tradition. Forget the image of ignorant bling bling rappers talking about violence, money and drugs, real rap is an  expression of self in rhythmic form and can be about any topic. A rap workshop can be a refreshing way to discuss difficult and challenging topics in a supportive environment. Radio’s rap workshops will have you rhyming like a pro!

Beatboxing emerged from the hip hop culture in New York in the 70s and 80s and is fast becoming a respected and valued musical discipline. It draws parallels and inspiration from many vocal styles from around the globe and even electronically created music. Unlike any other practice, modern beatboxers create full tracks using nothing but their mouth, nose and throat. Marv Radio's beatbox workshops cater for anything from the virgin vocalist to mouth masters! Learn the basics and progress to making incredible mouth music.

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Workshop Focus

Our workshops communicate with young people through the languages they speak and impart valuable skills, increasing self-esteem and engagement



Self expression





Breath Control


English Language


Group and individual lyric writing

Group and individual beatboxing


Music as Therapy

Mic/Performance Skills

Listening To And Supporting Others

Rhyme Structure

Rhythm Structure

Pattern Recognition




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All workshops can be made to be theme/syllabus focused

For more info and to book a workshop contact