Transform With Marv Radio

If you’ve found this page, it isn’t by coincidence. If you’re reading this, you are ready for a powerful TRANSFORMATION.

Whether you are looking to activate the power of your voice through VOCAL ALKEMI ACTIVATION, awaken new vision and alignment through an ELEVATOR SOUND JOURNEY AND VISUALISATION SESSION, or simply seeking some guidance through a DIVINATION READING, now is the time to AWAKEN your MAGIC and step into your FULL POWER.

If you’re not sure why you’re here, feel free to set up a
CONNECTION CALL to discuss the options. Prices are included in the descriptions, but please don’t hesitate to EMAIL MARV RADIO if you are working on your finances. Don’t let money get in the way of the transformation.

In these times we all need to have each other’s backs and FLEXIBILITY is key. Click the links below to arrange your session or connection call.

A combination of vocal coaching, dynamic vocal meditation and vocal play for creativity, expression and clear communication. Awaken the magical, creative and healing potential in your voice.


1 hour Via Zoom

An online guided visualisation with a live bespoke healing sound journey. Clear energetic blocks, realign and remove stress, anxiety and fear. Take a journey to the subconscious and reclaim your power! Perfect for developing self-love and unlocking internal abundance.


1 hour Via Zoom

Experience the magic of Soma Breathwork, with rhythmic breathing, visualisation and a live healing soundtrack. Regulate your nervous system, reprogram your mind and regenerate your body. A deep and powerful way of breaking patterns.

For more information about Soma Breath, visit their website.


1 hour Via Zoom

Choose from 6 divination decks for a custom reading. Receive guidance about love, business, health or any other topic that matter to you. Receive a PDF of your reading for further insights.


Service will take less than 60 minutes

Why Work With Marv Radio? Check These Testimonals:

“Before working with Marv, I was still not 100% sure on why the path I chose mattered... If you have a chance to work with Marv, please do not hesitate. It will change you in all the most amazing and precious ways.”
— Anonymous Feedback

Leila’s Testimonial

Naa’s Testimonial

Ralph’s Testimonial

Nick’s Testimonial

“This was the most incredible journey I’ve ever been in. Don’t even have the words, thank you so much!”
— Ines, Sound Journey participant